Delay in filing SLP was condoned and Special Leave to Appeal was granted by Hon’ble Supreme Court after the conviction was upheld by High Court


Rafiq (name changed) was convicted for the offences punishable under Sections 302/34 (Murder) read with 392/397/34 IPC for committing murder of one Ali (name changed). The Hon’ble High Court of Delhi was pleased to maintain the conviction of the accused Rafiq and upheld the judgment of the Ld. Trial Court.

Rafiq had very poor background and when he met our jail visiting advocate, he had already suffered about nine year of custody in jail. He was not supported by his family and he had no financial means to engage a lawyer for filing his Special Leave Petition before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and therefore, a delay of more than four years had occurred in filing the Special Leave Petition.

He sought Free Legal Aid from our NGO for filing his Special Leave Petition before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. In view of the poor condition of accused Rafiq and overall facts and circumstances of the case, we accepted his brief. We filed the Special Leave Petition (Crl.) Diary No.35554/2018 alongwith an application for condonation of delay and bail on his behalf before the Hon’ble Supreme Court on pro bono basis purely on humanitarian and compassionate ground. The said Special Leave Petition was argued our Chief Trustee Sh. Ajay Garg, Advocate and vide order dated 08.04.2019, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India was pleased to condone the long delay and grant Leave in the said SLP and the said SLP was converted to Criminal Appeal No.635/2019. The Criminal Appeal is pending as of now and will be heard soon.